Has Anybody Ever Gotten Less Credit for Anything Than Ben Cherington Is Getting This Year?




If you had to name the 1 person most responsible for the Red Sox drastic turnaround this year the answer is Ben Cherington no questions asked. He inherited a team 2 years ago from Theo “Boy Wonder” Epstein that was filled with overpaid, under performing veterans with bloated contracts who didn’t give a shit about winning. Then Larry Lucchino promptly handcuffed him in his first year forcing Bobby V to be the manager. It was an impossible situation. Well all he has done since was orchestrate the greatest trade/salary dump in the history of baseball getting rid of Adrien Gonzalez, Carl Crawford and Josh Beckett. He didn’t resign Papelbon. He went out and signed a bunch of lunch pail guys who have gelled perfectly. He signed the best closer in baseball. He signed the perfect manager for this team when he got to choose his guy. Yet despite all that you never hear from him. You never hear people talking about him. Like if this was Theo he’d be all the rage. The Cubs would be trading their entire roster for Cherington and making tshirts up about him. It’s kind of refreshing actually. There has been such a power struggle with the Red Sox the past 5 years to take credit for every success and pass the blame for every mistake it’s just nice to finally have a GM who has pressed every right button and doesn’t need to shout it from the rooftops.  But I see you Ben.  I get it.

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